Of course, it is understandable how Pasi defends his own wife, who as a doctor, in her own stupidity, has taken a conscious risk of popping a future crime reporter in the hospital at the expense of my health...but in the name of truth, Pasi's actions are biased towards his own family member and if such actions are swimming in the hospital, it is possible to perform there precisely these "cleaning operations" for the state's thorn in our problem citizens, when this field Pasimaically takes its own side, even if it is a conscious crime, which puts the patient in the grave prematurely.
Independent crime reporter of finland
-Raine Hannula
It's clear that Herlin doesn't do this because of the money that pours out of the doors and windows, but the background of such cocks is nothing but power and what can be done with it.
If you look at the case so that the focus is on Juha Turunen as a person, this kidnapping does not make any sense. The case is exactly what the Finnish blue team of stupids absorbs into itself as if it were some kind of multiple reflection of the skeleton from Lake Bodom, reminding the stupid group of its activities, how it is simply not able to learn from its mistakes and which, without a few shooting stars, is nothing more than a "village rally" with moped boys where you drive a car "donuts" in the air.
In this case, the police had their own dream team which is very familiar to me already: Kari "the x-files" Tolvanen, Juha "mess-up" Rautaheimo, and Jari "the drug lord" Aarnio with his own tipster Keijo Vilhunen from united brotherhood
Independent crime reporter of finland
-Raine Hannula
the Finnish blue team of stupids, who have already had to find out the hard way many times, that justice is not done in our courts, which has destroyed even the moderate criminal investigation statements of the Finnish police, has been taught by law enforcement that the only true judgment comes when they themselves step on the wrong side of the law and give false criminal investigation statements, which is rewarded in the Finnish judiciary, where the winner is martial law annoyed Finnish people who have not received justice in our country's judicial institutions since the 21st century. (Eveliina Lappalainen, Anneli Auer, Jouni Kauppila + many others)
With a false criminal statement given by the police, Kauppila went to serve his life sentence in a mental hospital in the name of medically non-existent and imaginary diseases, where he has a new life as a medical human rat that appears in the illegal medical experiments of the University of Turku, Jarmo "psychosis" Hietala, in the area of ​​brain research, where these human rats study the brain's reaction to various chemical compounds and study the nervous- and the immune system at the cellular level
Independent crime reporter of finland
-Raine Hannula
Antti Häkkänen, who talks about the values of the coalition, in the face of which we are ready to even murder "unwanted" parliamentary candidates of our own party (Tuomas Teräsvuori) and to machinate school killings in Finland (Jokela&Kauhajoki) in order to create the necessary amount of public hatred, so that in its name the people can accept and justify their own illegal actions of the human rats of medicine with Jarmo Hietala and Walta Maija Helena of the University of Turku to enable the academic careers of a new minority group, i.e. people with mental health problems who suffer from medically non-existent and imaginary diseases whose activities are almost identical to the medieval witch hunt in the name of which women were burned and drowned like flies by court decisions.
The coalition's murderous policy which does not know and care at all about the suffering of the relatives of bystander victims when it carries out an illegal ethnic cleansing of its unprofitable citizens at the behest of Europe's new plague, Sauli Niinistö.
The straight flush of the coalition's murder policy is so strong that it would not be excluded at all that the coalition, which has its headquarters in Turku, Finland, was involved in Bouananea's provocations and incitements to an act that shocks society, which is the necessary evil of the brick-and-mortar business, that is, the human rat business, with the help of which the future human rats of medicine are bought from the Finnish courts with biased expert opinions of psychiatry for the administration of the University of Turku to human rat farms.
Bouanane's case did not lead to medicine side as a human rat, which is good because it would only strengthen this unfair sentencing model in Finnish courts, which eats up our problem citizens at a steady pace. Bouanane ended up in prison, which is what these actions lead to in a rule of law, but there is a big question mark as to what the hidden official cooperation patterns behind this case are, of which there were no indications based on the news, but there are clear indications in the background of other problem citizens. Bouanane, who was taken to the state's closed institutions as the basis for the payment of other authorities' salaries, is apparently a fairly good performance for the Finnish authorities, just like the Kuopio school killer, who was not really wanted to be helped despite all the good news.
Independent crime reporter of finland
-Raine Hannula
The Oulu baby murders, which are the biggest judicial murder in my career as a crime journalist in our country, surpassing even the Eveliina Lappalainen case, which has become a legend, in the name of which Leif Sevon, the rooster forest, entered the media stage in his red clothes and spoke with the voice of a god.
Even though this case is one merit in the cloak of a kynkänniemi and a blue team of stupids that can be presented in one's own circles, bringing acceptance and honor, it has taken me sleepless nights when I think about this woman in our country's prison, which should really be filled with the authorities of our country whose interpretations of the law on the medical care side are already in the category of problem citizens may be euthanized in their name, medicinally like stray dogs.
a model example of a car chase by Finnish authorities, the media turns accidents into murders, for which it gets parrot badges on its own hero's cloak and grounds for appropriations even if it means innocent people go to prison.
this case proves how in the 2000s and in the middle something has happened in Finnish healthcare, when it has started murdering its problem citizens in its polyclinics under the guise of accidents and bacterial infections, and how turning Aino Nykopp into a murderer with the help of hate and unjust actions has been a systematic and systematic end result of healthcare
Independent crime reporter of finland
-Raine Hannula
it is really pitiful to read about Foxel's case and what it has led to because of the activities of psychiatry and turku university, which needs these persons like Hiltunen, with the help of which they can gather popular hatred on this minority group for the successful atrocities of their clients, which sooner or later will be used to buy a human rat for medical brain research from our country's judiciary.
Without psychiatry, the lives of many Finnish citizens would have been spared and Foxel would be playing football
Independent crime reporter of finland
-Raine Hannula

​The Laiho case also effectively covers up the fact that psychiatry as one front carries out this illegal activity, which also includes smearing problem citizens with medically non-existent diseases in the name of which they can be taken either to an early grave (Jarno Laapotti) or to a mental hospital with the opinions of paid experts in psychiatry (Jouni Kauppila).
Herlin's huge amounts of money, which pours out of the doors and windows, finance the fines that came in the case of Laiho, which are a million euros, which is not money and no media mogul papa Herlin, when he is building a corrupt Finland with his own money under the eyes of our country's president Sauli Niinistö, which nevertheless falls into the laps of our country's decision makers
Independent crime reporter of finland
-Raine Hannula
​The case of Esa Laiho is a good example of the coverage of Ilta Sanomat, owned by Antti Herlin, where there are clear indications of their planning, just like in the case of Laiho, which was built up with Herlin's money. Laiho's case only adds credibility to the actions of medical care, that these illegalities in this area would always be the actions of individuals and that the eyes would not be focused on groups formed by several people who jointly carry out their own ideology in medical care, which in Karttusen's case means a cleansing operation from the state's point of view of problem citizens.
​Seppänen's case from the Finnish blue team of stupids is a performance worth raising your hat to because no indications have been revealed from the background of this case that the police themselves were pulling and inciting Seppänen to commit murders or that any other illegal activity against citizens could not be found in its activities.
The case Seppänen also testifies that in the Finnish police there are approximately my level of criminal investigators who are capable of solving extremely difficult murders that are disguised under natural deaths and accidents but these cases are shooting stars in the merites of the Finnish blue team of stupids and anything you can rely on finnish cops is their incompetence which is very high even in the light of the statistics, where they are extremely good at messing up criminal investigations
Independent crime reporter of finland
-Raine Hannula
Unlike the rest of the victims of the finnish psychiatry at least I have known Jarno Laapotti for all my life and I can guarantee that he has been a good guy who may not have succeeded in working life as the authorities of our state would have hoped and he has burdened the state with his own personal problems, which has been the trigger for the destruction of his reputation by psychiatry, in the name of which he could be taken to the grave prematurely, just like Jimi Karttunen.
In the case of Laapot and Karttusen, there are clear indications from the Finnish medical care that it carries out planned murders with citizens blackened under the guise of natural deaths, which does not cause any questioning of our state's authorities and institutions when it comes to problem citizens. This action is almost identical compared to the actions of the Finnish serial killer Pekka Seppänen, who, like psychiatry, used the accident as an alibi, which, however, was a systematic and systematic result in Seppänen's case, just like Finnish medical treatment with problem citizens
Finnish dictator of supreme court Leif Sevon, who saw in an innocent girl an opportunity for double murder and stealing the power that is in the foundations of our judicial system to the decision makers of our country, taking advantage of the case of Eveliina Lappalainen.
The Finnish police, who have been taught the hard way that justice is not done in our country's courts, where the cases in the Supreme Court at the latest turn out to be in the state's interest and whose judgments cannot be questioned by any living creature on earth, have had to move to the side of corruption, where justice is done when criminal investigations are carried out blindfolded, just like In the case of Jouni Kauppila.
This is already well known to the police, that you cannot go to court with the Supreme Court, because the judgment coming from it is in any case unfair and contrary to all justice, where the Supreme Court's legal interpretations can be anything between heaven and earth and they are always interpreted in favor of the state, even if it indirectly favors it perpetrators of crimes. This kind of corruption is almost impossible to prove when you are confronted with the interpretation of the law by a jurist or several others, whose interpretations cannot be questioned by any living person, even if it is a class of witch persecution.
Independent crime reporter of finland
-Raine Hannula
Finnish dictator of supreme court Leif Sevon, who saw in an innocent girl an opportunity for double murder and stealing the power that is in the foundations of our judicial system to the decision makers of our country, taking advantage of the case of Eveliina Lappalainen.
"I guess the Minister of Justice cannot seriously believe that his speech would lead to any results. Perhaps his considerations have only been guided by political expediency, says Sevón." is a statement from Supreme Court President Leif Sevon that is sure to be quoted around North Korea
Independent crime reporter of finland
-Raine Hannula
Olli Isotalo, who, as the former CEO of Patria, has replaced Aino Nykoppi as a stone-walled debater, and in Aarnio's lying, has set new foundations in terms of controversies and lies when he pours the hot pot of conspiracy theory on Linden's and Patria's cooperation patterns from the duo's joint travels, that if any line reporter tries to open this treasure chest of secrets buried in the media, he would only burn his own keys.
​Isotalo and Linden, who trusted too much that Minna Passi's journalistic talents could be shackled to SUPO's friend club cage to publish only information dictated by SUPO, have now been released from their shackles and harnessed again towards official corruption, and there are no conspiracy theories promulgated by Isotalo to hold them back.
Passi's journalistic abilities, which eats conspiracy theories like breakfast and arouses cold shivers in the "village rallies" of the blue team of stupids, is certainly something that Isotalo did not take into account when booking the Ugandan gig at Teräsvuori, and the following explanations compiled by Isotalo are published in alibi together with Aarnio.
Isotalo, which finally scrolls the connection from Linden to the side of conspiracy theories, is a clear sign for me that this connection is protected so strongly that conspiracy theories must be included in the news. These conspiracy theories started by the accused are the clearest sign that then we are actually on the right track.
It's easy for Isotalon to talk about these things coldly because he knows the fact, as do I, that Finland's blue stupid group is completely of this group, which leads Finland on a pretty tightrope and it has no business taking cases forward even if it's a murder.
Independent crime reporter of finland
-Raine Hannula
Finland, which in terms of corruption has proven to be at the level of the fictional Gotham City, where the drug trade is run from the police's own headquarters, unwanted consultants are sent to Uganda on behalf of a Finnish arms manufacturer for contract murder with an ex-minister, and at the University of Turku, our problem citizens are studied for medically non-existent and imaginary diseases that they get like the flu when they go to psychiatric clinics , the green minister of our country's new generation, Maria Ohisalon, should at least be put on ice for a while based on her election theme already, when you look at what is happening in the country in terms of medical care for our problem citizens, where they are dying from, and which is already approaching a national cleansing if it were even a little bigger
Independent crime reporter of finland
-Raine Hannula
Since the medical care is not about to give up its role in the development and testing of medical products performed on humans aka humanrats and the resources of forced treatment patients used in the studies of researchers at the University of Turku, it must develop these processes so that the framing does not take side victims every time, leaving many relatives to mourn.
I would have a simple, easy and quick solution to this problem, but it would end the human rat business that benefits Turku University and the state in the blink of an eye, leaving many highly educated people unemployed.
Independent crime reporter of finland
-Raine Hannula
Aino Nykopp, who is a Finnish serial killer and the hospital district who murdered Jimi Karttunen, is a style example and the end product of what the employer's unfair actions lead to.
Nykopp who stole and murdered patients in revenge for his employer, just like Jouni Kauppila burned the church for unfair actions against Kauppila who also, just like Nykopp is a product of the Finnish authorities
Independent crime reporter of finland
-Raine Hannula
Kauhajoki school massacre is a really good example of how these actions are the systematic and systematic result of psychiatry and our country's decisionmakers. after jokela, you could have imagined that these school deaths could be common, but during holmlund's season, they happened two pieces within a year.
However, Holmlund's controversies and presentation of incomprehensible things are, in my eyes, a very familiar activity from the Finnish authorities, in which they themselves have been involved. the police had interviewed Matti Saari a couple of days before the school shooting and they were not allowed to take the weapon from him, which they say was prohibited by law. This activity means the misinterpretation of the laws that originate from Leif Sevon and where they are interpreted using their own interests.
Having investigated these cases, I see no other reason for these cases than that the psychiatrist had done a hard job with Saari, that they can drive his mental state with medication to the point that he is capable of committing school murders, which is apt to raise hatred in the people towards this new minority group, i.e. people with mental health problems.
Independent crime reporter of finland
-Raine Hannula
Suomen viranomaiset hyökkäävät valtion näkökulmasta ongelmakansalaisten kimppuun kuin nazi saksa juutalaisten kimppuun viranomaisten massiivisella yhteistyöllä joka tähtää näiden kansalaisten maineen mustamaalaamiseen kansan silmissä, missä yhteisöä järkyttäviin tekoihin vetäminen, jopa poliisin peitetoimintaa hyväksikäyttämällä on osoittautunut kaikista parhaimmaksi tavaksi joka valitettavasti aina välillä vie sivullisia ja syyttömiä uhreja suomessa kuten Kauhajoen koulusurma.
Independent crime reporter of finland
-Raine Hannula
the Auer case is proof of how corrupt Finland is up to the judicial system, and to which the police have nothing to say, but have to eat all the crap that our judicial system produces, even if it is against all laws.
Courts that reject the police's clear description and the results of criminal investigations even though they have been corrected afterwards and believe completely unfounded rumors on the basis of which it then convicts Finnish citizens of false crimes
wrong judgments in us are blessed by the word of corrupt professors which led Terttu Utriainen's uni.lapland and Dan Fränden's uni.hel brain farts, which only proves that the leaders of state-owned institutions say what our country's top decision-makers want, using what they bring as leaders of the institutions and the credibility of the agencies to steer cases even then in the wrong direction. "Two experienced legal scholars praise the nearly four-page public statement in which the Court of Appeal of Turku sheds light on the reasons for the prison sentences of Anneli Auer and Jens Kuka."
If I were to say something to this brain fart by Utriainen and Frände, my report on Auer is already 20 pages long, so how could the ALMOST 4-page report of the Court of Appeal in Turku be worth praising? Is this statement also a condition for these professors to keep their jobs?
Independent crime reporter of finland
-Raine Hannula
Now that the kingpin of the Finnish drug trade has been caught by two journalists without authority after an almost 10-year manhunt, the kingpin who should have been chased by the police themselves and not the problem citizens of our country who tried to seek additional income from the drug trade, whose basic income has been frozen by the National Pension Service with bureaucratic and unanimous interpretations of the law. People who have been driven into a cycle of crime by the systematic and systematic actions of the authorities are left to wonder what other illegal things the authorities of our country are doing at a time when psychiatry is being pushed into an institution even bigger than the medieval church, whose words about medically non-existent diseases in the courts cannot be questioned by a single living being on earth or on the moon when they are dragged half-forcefully to mental hospitals where these diseases are studied by professors at the University of Turku.
If anything, this sounds like human trafficking into medical side, which, like drug trafficking, should have been on the police's crime list, not on the menu.
Independent crime reporter of finland
-Raine Hannula
Juha "mess-up" Rautaheimo, who has become more familiar to me than any Finnish policeman and has wedged himself into being overrepresented in the criminal investigations of the Finnish police, whose merits are like from the menu of a beagle boys, just like Jari "the drug lord" Aarnion.
"mess-up" that, based on the news, has been messing up criminal investigations so that another authority or the police themselves are not caught in any illegal activity with our problem citizens or any citizen.
Independent crime reporter of finland
-Raine Hannula
It is clear that if people like the former RD Velho and the current HULD leaders have nested in Finnish medical care, it is very possible there to carry out the elimination of problem citizens like Jimi Karttusen. HULD leaders who do not have the opportunity in their field to carry out intentional deaths that are hidden under damages and accidents, however, this does not apply to Mika Kiljala's wife Marika Kiljala who works in the Ylivieska kallio municipal corporation, which is extremely well known for the case of the Ylivieska church arsonist Jouni Kauppila. Is this just a coincidence that both of the Kiljala couple are on my criminal investigation tables. One is about banning smoking from the workplace and exclusion from working life with the help of one's own relationships, and in the other's workplace, one citizen is wrongly medicated based on a medically non-existent disease and provoked into an act that shocks the community.
Kiljala couple is one of the extremely well-to-do and reputable in the facades of our society, just like Henriikka Riepponen together with her priest husband who, together with Päivi Kokki, deliberately caused me a bacterial infection from which many problematic Finnish citizens have died in our hospital
Independent crime reporter of finland
-Raine Hannula
Tuontitukun Henry Isopahkala ja hänen alaisten toiminta todistaa ylivieskan alueella olevan toiminnan jota voidaan harjoittaa ilman oikeusministeri Anna-Maja Henrikssonin puuttumista toimiin, joissa määrätietoisella toiminnalla aiheutetaan vihan ja koston tapaisia toimia yksilöiden kanssa. Jos Tuontitukun omistajan ja muutaman hänen työntekijän toimintamallit ovat levinneet suomalaiseen sairaanhoitoon missä potilaille annetaan järjestelmällisesti aihetta vihaan omalla toiminnalla, on selvää miksi Ylivieskan kirkko paloi, joka kaikkinensa oli kosto ja viharikos ylivieskan sairaanhoidon toimista kohdistuen Jouni Kauppilaan joka oli sairaanhoidon huumaamana oikeudenkäynnissä ja täysin oikeuskelvottomassa tilassa valtion palkoilla olevan puolustuksen varassa. Tuontitukun toiminta johon oikeusvaltiomme ei anna muuta kuin omankäden oikeuden jakamista, josta valitettavasti uhrit joutuvat oikeuteen ja tuontitukku annetaan jatkaa oman käden oikeutta valitsemien yksilöidensä kanssa mihin kuuluu epäoikeudenmukaiset toimet asiakaiden kanssa.
Toiminta jota suomalainen sairaanhoito antaa suomessa eli tahallista toimintaa jossa potilaat kuolevat on selvästikin levinnyt tuontitukun toimintaan mutta heidän asemansa huomioiden, heillä ei onneksi ole toimintaa jossa asiakkaan terveys ja henki on riippuvaisia tuontitukun työntekijöistä, toisinkuin suomalaisessa sairaanhoidossa.
Independent crime reporter of finland
-Raine Hannula